Oct 14, 2011

15 October 2011

Esok 15 Oktober
my hubs besday. yahuuu 
happy 28 in advance dear hubs 
hug u ketat.ketat 

sian hubs sebab time besday dia kat Yangon and kami tengah having guees from Malaysia pulak tu 
xpe i janji when we back to Malaysia i will surprise u eh. 
but for tomorrow i dah plan nak bawa hubs and guess for dinner kat chinese restoran je 
then i buy 1 slice cake + called flowers shop untuk delivary 1 bouquet flower to hubs. yeay ! i harap itu bole buat u senyum buat sementara tunggu besday present bila balik nanti oke. 

confident je i ni hubs x baca blog i dah since sampai sini.  
harap.harap u xjumpa wifi !! 

Anyway I LOVE U MORE n MORE !!

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